Phuket, Thailand Itinerary

Beach Paradise of Thailand

Every day I would check out promo fares from Tiger Airways, Cebu Pacific, AirAsia, Jetstar, and all the budget airlines available. My co-workers would always tease me about my daily dose of checking online tickets. I tell them It's becoming more like my hobby than just simply checking promo fares. I'm actually enjoying it, especially every time I spot a few cheap flights, my mind immediately travels to new places and adventures. This time around I had my eye on Thailand's most famous island, the province of Phuket, which is located in the southern part of the country. It holds the country's best white beaches and an excellent panoramic view of the ocean.  Let's go!

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Travel Tips
  • For flights, Skyscanner is excellent for comparing the best airline deals.
  • For accommodations, our family trusts for reasonable prices.

4 days Itinerary in Phuket

Budget: 26,000 baht

Earlier that month I also booked a flight ticket for my mum to visit me in Singapore. It was a perfect island getaway and the promo fares matched the dates my mum is in the country with me. One click of the button and everything was set for June 2014 to the incredible island of Phuket. We had no check-in baggage so going off to the airport early was really not on my mind. However my mum and I were not seated together, I wasn't able to tell the counter and even checked the seat number, too bad. I'm still glad I'm traveling with my mum again. It's important to travel with your folks, be reminded that they're not getting younger and fate works in mysterious ways. 

First Day 

Check-in: DDC House (Former name: Marq Hotel)
Address: 78/2 Phang-Muang Sai Kor Road, Soi Nanai 8 Patong Phuket, Patong Beach, 83150 
4 days 3 nights for 1500 baht + airport pick-up transfer 700 baht: 2200 baht

Lunch for 270 baht comprises of:
fried rice with squid 50 bahtfried rice with prawns 50 bahtbeef with mixed vegetable 100 bahtwatermelon shake 50 baht, and mineral water 20 baht.

Early Souvenir Shopping at InSoi Market 
Rimmed hat for 150 baht
Fridge magnet 4 for 100 baht

It's only a 10 minutes Brisk walking to Patong Beach, drop by the nearest 7'11 and bought 1-liter mineral water at 20 baht, cornetto drumstick ice cream at 15 baht, and 2 bottles of coconut juice drink baht. 

On the way back to the hotel we bought our favorite fruit in the country, 1 kg of Mangosteen for only 40 baht. 

Dinner at Malin Plaza
mama seafood noddles 100 baht, bbq prawn 20 baht, sticky rice 10 baht and mixed fruit shake 40 baht, total: 250 Baht

Second Day

Island Tour - budget for one person 3000 baht, instead I was able to bargain it for two persons. 1500 baht each for island hopping trip. (Saved 3000 baht)

Dinner at Malin Plaza
Peeled grilled prawns 40 baht, Grilled squid head 40 baht, Pad Thai 100 baht, Sticky rice 10 baht, Crocodile meat 50 baht, and Watermelon shake 30 baht. Total: 270 baht

Mineral Water for 15 baht, Ice cream Magnum for 10 baht, and 1 chang beer bottle for 15 baht. Total: 40 baht

Late-night shopping at Insoi Market. Purchased and "I love Phuket" sleeveless shirt for 210 baht each. 


Water Rafting, ATV, Flying Fox, Elephant Show, and trekking. The package price for each was 2800 baht, we got it half the price and was even lowered down to 3200 baht. 1600 baht for each (Saved 2400 baht)

An appetizer before having a massage with Strawberry Banana Crepes for 40 baht. 

Thai Massage with Oil. 1-hour full-body relaxation and bone bending worth 350 baht.

Dinner at Malin Plaza
Pad Thai 100 baht, Freshly grilled prawns 80 baht, Fresh grilled squid, and Watermelon shake 50 baht. Total: 280 baht

For Dessert: Mangosteen 2 kg for 80 baht

Late-night shopping for souvenirs at Insoi Market. We bought sleeveless Thailand logo shirts 100 baht for females and 150 baht for males. 

Fourth Day

Complimentary Coffee/ Tea every day at DDC Hotel. 

DDC Hotel Airport transfer for 700 baht. 

Bought a perfume at Duty-Free for 3000 baht, and I was able to save a lot. 

Souvenir Rush Shopping at the airport, Tom Yum wafer rolls for 100 baht and Milky Toffy candy for 100 baht. 

Overall Unexpected Expenses: 15,000 baht (saved 11,000 baht)

Welcome to Paradise! Now what?!

What to do in Phuket
First Day: The importance of booking with a reliable website like

I booked a hotel recommended by a friend of mine. He said it was new, cheap, clean, and just a few meters away from the beach. I had an online reservation and was going to be billed once I got to the island, sounds good to me! I've never been a fan of paying deposits for reservations, anything can go wrong and I hate wasting money for no valuable reason. I guess I sound like a mature adult? ahahaa. Working in Singapore taught me a significant lesson about being thrifty. Anyway, going back to my hotel booking. I received the hotel confirmation right away I booked on the website, and I initially emailed the hotel for the pickup place from the airport or any other information they want to render. I sent a few emails and didn't get even one reply from them. After a few weeks, I called my cousin working in Thailand to check out our hotel's status. He called and said no one answered, it worried me. I searched for the hotel and found out on Tripadvisor's recent comments that the hotel had changed its name. 

The traveler who commented was lost when he got there, good thing he knew some landmarks along with the hotel. There was no notice at all and the website was not updated. I carefully looked for their new name in Google search and was able to get their new number. My cousin was able to confirm our hotel reservation and airport pick-up. The hassle of booking a hotel. I hope the hotel will prove itself worth it for all the trouble they've given me. In every traveler, this kind of problem arises or out of 10 individuals, one unfortunate person will have booking problems, now I know how they feel. That's why it's better to book with a reliable website like Booking.comMy guesthouse booking in Cambodia was like chocolate cake, it was sweet, fast and satisfying. (While I'm typing at this very moment the passengers seated beside me are having such a nice meal and it makes me salivate. I'm glad the plane will be landing soon and I can't wait to try Phuket's street foods).

The staff is genuinely friendly and accommodating with inquiries. The check-in counter was fast so we had time to find a good restaurant to have our first Thai food for the trip. The good thing along the street of the hotel there's a nearby spa/massage boutique, a convenience store, a laundry shop, and even a chain of restaurants lines the neighborhood. Unfortunately, the hotel is closed now just try to book your hotel near Patong Beach for convenience.

Lunch at Nong-in Restaurant

Lunch at Nong-in Restaurant with a meal worth 270 baht which consists of the BEST fried rice squid EVER! for 50 baht, another best-fried rice with prawns ever for 50 bahtbeef with mixed vegetables for 100 bahtwatermelon shake for 50 baht, and mineral water for 20 baht. 

Afterwards: Souvenir Shopping at InSoi Market 

This place is just a few minutes away from the hotel. We also did some early Souvenir Shopping at InSoi Market and I bought a rimmed hat for 150 baht for my friend and a fridge magnet, 4 for 100 baht.

Patong Beach

It's only a 10-minute Brisk walk to Patong Beach, drop by the nearest 7'11 and buy 1-liter mineral water at 20 baht, cornetto drumstick ice cream at 15 baht, and 2 bottles of coconut juice drink baht. 

Interesting Find

I saw this sidewalk bookshop selling different kinds of books in different languages. One book cost around 150 baht. A great thing to have when hanging around the beach while watching the waves play with the shore. The long stretch of white sand in Patong Beach was beautiful. What made me frown was the number of rented beach benches placed on the beach and the 100-200 baht rent fee for one chair. It would have been nice to just lay there on the sand. 

Aside from that the sand and the beach looked great. I stared at the horizon on that fine Friday afternoon where the ocean breeze was as relaxing as the famous Thai massage. There's always something about the beach that draws me; the serenity of nature and the smell of contentment. A familiar taste of summer that brings back cherished memories of the season, warm and sweet. 

My Favorite Fruit in Thailand! 

On the way back to the hotel we bought our favorite fruit in the country, 1 kg of Mangosteen for only 40 baht. This fruit cost a fortune back in the Philippines and is rarely seen in Singapore as well. It's a must-buy for me and not just for a day but for the whole freaking days, we stayed on the island. 

Dinner at Malin Plaza

We had a tantalizing Dinner at Malin Plaza which is just a few steps away from Insoi Market. A place where you can have fresh seafood grilled the way you like it. It's cheaper here compared to eating in a fine restaurant yet the taste and authentic feel of the food remains intact. We spent a lot of our eating spree in Malin Plaza, a street food bonanza for food lovers.

Second Day: Island Tour

Package deal: 1500 baht each for 7 island visits, inclusive: snorkeling with gear, lunch buffet and fresh fruits by the beach. 

The sun was up and so were we. Actually, we woke up earlier than mister sunshine which is totally fine. The tour van was going to pick us up before 7:30 Am, so we had to be ready before that and have our light breakfast. I booked the other day for our island hopping tour which is still owned by the hotel, it's practically named after the hotel too, DCC Tours. The package for one person was priced at 3000 baht, instead, I was able to bargain the price of one for two persons, so it means I only paid 1500 baht each for the island hopping trip. (Saved 3000 baht) What a great deal to start our day!

Meeting point at Chalong Bay

The van arrived a bit late but that's fine, we traveled less than an hour to the meeting point where our fancy-looking speedboat was waiting for us. The waiting was still on, the organizer was waiting for the other tour vans to arrive, considering the fact we were the first tourists to be there so just imagine how long we waited. I don't wear my watch when I'm out on a vacation and I try to avoid looking at the time on my phone too. Trust me, not knowing the time you were picked up late and the time you waited for the trip to start really helps. In that way, I was able to focus on taking pictures and chatting along with my mum and with a few tourists seated beside me. I guess that's why when you stay in hotels or resorts you won't find any trace of the clock in the corner or dangling in the wall. 

People are always thinking when they see the time pass by and we become bombarded with ideas that we haven't spent our time wisely or simply wasted it, for instance: a 30-minute meal, 20 minutes bath, 15 minutes coffee break, 10 minutes waiting for a cab, and the list go on and on. Everyone has insufficient time to spend just on the simple things in life that should be enjoyed. I will not allow myself to be constricted with this kind of aura on my vacation, so I never will check out the time when I'm out doing my adventures.

Before we headed to our speedboat a simple orientation was done, they even provided motion sickness medicine for everyone. 

The list of islands we visited was as follows: 

Maya Bay where we were given 45 minutes time to swim, sightseeing, and take some pictures. Feed the monkeys with peanuts at Monkey Island, 45 minutes swim time on Phi Phi Island, Buffet Lunch at Phi Phi Don Island and a 2-hour chill-out time at Khai Nai Island. 

Maya Bay

The first stop was at Maya Bay. The beach is quite famous for movie fanatics, this is where Leonardo de Caprio's movie entitled "The Beach" has partially shot some footage. The beauty of Maya Beach stayed as exotic and natural as it can be, the pristine white sand and clear green water make it look unrealistic. It is enclosed in a basin-like shape due to the surrounding islands that envelop it.

The downside about the place is that tourist flocks to the area like ants, everywhere you look people from different races takes up all the empty space. It's not a place of serenity and does not embody the outcast feeling of being away on a vacation. I guess it's better to visit Phuket before or after summer where only a few tourists come to visit the island. We were given 30-45 minutes to take q quick dip in the waters and take some pictures. Another irritating side of going on a travel agency tour, is you don't get a hold of the time. Looking at the brighter side of things it was a great deal and most importantly budget-friendly.

Monkey Island. 

The second stop for the island tour was Monkey Island. As the name itself says, there were a few monkeys on the island and at the meeting point, we were encouraged to buy peanuts to feed them. It was a different experience because you don't exactly see monkeys on the beach all the time.

Sightseeing Loh Samah Bay, Pileh Cove, and Viking Cave. We just passed by this attraction without us knowing, the guide was not able to inform us and no one bothered to ask.

We were informed of our snorkeling site and the time allotted for the activity. If I remember correctly it was only 30 minutes but then I think I stayed longer in the water. I'm not really sure where the speedboat anchored but in the brochure, it says Tonsai Bay. It was not clear as I expected it to be compared to the open waters of Malapascua Island back in Cebu, Philippines. It remains the best snorkeling experience I've ever had. The memory that stayed in my mind was the image of a 4D resolution with the biggest plasma screen ever with bursting vibrant colors. It was nothing compared to all the snorkeling sites I've ever done. That explains why Malapascua Island is considered one of the best diving sites in Cebu, Philippines. 

Phi Phi Don Island

Third Stop. Buffet Lunch at Phi Phi Don Island which is included in the day trip package.

Khai Island

Khai Island was the last island on our map where we were given 2 hours to relax, have some fresh fruits, snorkel, and enjoy the beach. There were plenty of sunbeds available for rent which cost around 200 baht for two chairs with a shared umbrella. All the corners of the beach were crowded with tourists speaking different languages yet we were all sharing our love for Phuket.

We drove back to the meeting point at Chalong Bay and the van sent everyone off to our respective hotels. It was a lovely experience, even though there were lots of disadvantages to going on a travel tour. The best deal in town is going along with these guys. If you have more than enough money going on a private tour is still the best option especially if you're looking for some private time. 

Night Market

Dinner Time. The smell of grilled seafood, stir-fried noodles and freshly prepared fruit juice can only be found at Malin Plaza. 

Exotic Meal

An appetizing dinner awaits everything who visits this place and thus always brings a big smile to my starving palette. My first time trying BBQ crocodile meat, it was rubbery and tasty.

We ordered peeled grilled prawns at 40 baht, grilled squid head at 40 baht, pad thai at 100 baht, sticky rice at 10 baht, crocodile meat at 50 baht, and watermelon shake at 50 baht. Total: 340 baht. Passed by the nearest convenience store and bought some Mineral Water at 15 baht, Ice cream Magnum at 10 baht, and 1 chang beer bottle for 15 baht. Total: 40 baht.

Late-night shopping at Insoi Market. Purchased an "I love Phuket" sleeveless shirt for 210 baht each. 

Third-Day: Adventure Package

The tour van picked us up early from our hotel that day and after a 15-minute drive, we stopped by Monkey Cave for a few minutes of sightseeing. People are encouraged to feed the monkeys outside the caves. The feeding bonanza basket cost around 100 baht which includes 2-4 peeled corn, 1 small jar of peanuts, and a small bundle of banana. 

We drove further on more winding roads and after an hour or so arrived in Phang Nga. The Sutin Group Adventure site is located at 65/46 Mu 6, T. Kathu, A. Kathu, Phuket 83120, Thailand.

The exciting package consists of:

Water Rafting, an ATV, a Flying Fox, an Elephant ride with a show, a simple lunch, and waterfall trekking. 

The package price for each individual was 2800 baht, we got it half the price and was even lowered down to 3200 baht, so we only paid 1600 baht for each (Saved 2400 baht). The adventure kicks off with our extreme Water Rafting in Phanga Nga's river on the island of Phuket. A small covered truck sent us off to our starting point along the river.  What made the rafting interesting was the rainfall that day, it had increased the water level in the river and that made way for the strong current. 

Water Rafting

The current was so stubborn that we had to help ourselves going down the river instead of just gliding down with the raft. I was worried about the kids who joined the trip and even for my mum. However, the excitement was so much to contain that I couldn't help but laugh and smile all the way through the river and all through our bumpy ride. The intensity of hitting the water was so much fun for me that it didn't bother me if the raft capsized. I've even thought that it would be more pleasurable falling in the water, crazy me huh?! We arrived safely back to our docking point and were ushered back to the truck. I was only able to take pictures when we were a bit stable so I wasn't able to capture the exciting parts of us stuck behind a big rock, hitting a big chunk of the tree trunk or the fact that we've almost capsized.

Elephant Ride

The next activity on the list was the elephant ride. Another First! I've always wanted to be on top of this humongous animal and see how it feels like to be one of the largest animals on the planet. Our guide picked us up in a treehouse-like platform that began our journey to the jungle-like adventure with a certain movie theme playing in my mind The Road to El Dorado. I'm not sure if I heard it right our elephant's name was Kelp, his skin was thick and tiny hairs were sticking out of his head like soft wires. It tickled my skin at first but eventually, I got used to it. I felt totally secured on top of Kelp's head, even though his skin was rough the warmth beneath it provided ease and comfort. It was just a short ride, passing by different rocky terrains: a river, and a steep climb up and down the trail. My mum stayed in the backseat with the improvised chair and a seat belt. After the ride Kelp even allowed me to hug him. He made a loud noise which meant thank you. Our guide was like a professional geographic channel photographer, he took our pictures all through the ride so giving some 100 baht tip is not that bad, the pictures were fabulous. 

Tips Needed: Adapting the Western Culture

The package deal we've booked was totally budget-friendly. However, I've noticed that we are asked by our guides to give tips after each activity.  Some even demanded 100 baht, 20 baht was fine with me but asking for more was a bit rude. The point of having a discounted tour slowly diminished because the tips were given out sum up half of the price we saved. For a traveler who's on a tight budget this kind of matter is crucial, this determines the amount of money left for food and other more exciting activities. On the other hand, travelers more like a tourist who has more than enough money considered this as an incentive for the well-mannered treatment that was given to them. That's why in every activity we had I always joked around with just giving them hugs instead of the tip. 

Flying Fox

The team in charge of the activities wasn't well organized so I had to follow up with them a few times. Another activity awaiting us was the Flying Fox, it's the same thing with Zip-line. Straps of nylon are wrapped around our shoulders and trunk, and then a harness is attached at the back to support the weight as you glide into the air and reach the end of the rope. I've done this kind of activity a few times and I'm still craving for it. I asked the one in charge to put me upside down so I can have a different feel which I also did recently in the Philippines. He didn't understand me and they were in a hurry. It bothered me that they were not cautious considering it was raining that day. For safety purposes, a rider must be fastened to the cable when he arrives on the platform right away. Everything went well and I'm more than happy about that. We went down the tower with greases on our faces and clothes, it must have been the oil from the wires due to the rain. My mum was happy with her ride, that's more important to me.

Elephant Show 

The Elephant Show started without any notice, whoever was available to see it could just come over to the small hut. It was a baby elephant who performed in front of everyone. He played the hula hoop, played the harmonica, and even kissed each and everyone goodbye after the show. The way he looked at me was so mysterious, I don't know if it was just me or maybe I was the only one who was looking intensely at him in the eye. I can tell there's something in the way he stares. Most elephants I saw there even the one he rode on, I call him Big Boy Kelp does not gaze that way. I felt pity and sad, I wondered if this little elephant was happy with his surroundings. I'm amazed at the wisdom and patience of elephants, with just one stomp they actually end their misery from being whipped by humans but they choose to bow down and obey us.

Unpredictable Weather

The rain poured like there was no tomorrow, so our guide decided to cancel the waterfall trekking for everyone's safety. I was disappointed but then safety comes first, I already had a blast all day long, especially during the ATV activity. The weather was not good at all and they even asked us to sign a waiver for riding the ATV. It was a dangerous ride because the terrain now is muddier, some land and rock slides, while deep holes were filled with water. Everyone signed and was tasked to drive safely. It was quite challenging especially when you have to drive a steep unpaved road and have to make your way down a series of big rocks. 

The risk of doing it on a rainy day was adding up to my thrill-seeking soul. I was having too much fun my mum even shouted at me to drive slower and watch out for the road. My mum was right behind me and I prayed hard for her safety too. I've always believed in her strength and what's alluring about my mum is that she doesn't know how strong she is. I know I've taken that trait from her and even her adventurous side as well. I guess she stayed dormant all these years to take care of me and my two brothers. Now that I have the financial capacity to support my family I'll do whatever it takes to take them on all my adventure trips. 


We finished all the activities before dark and were sent back to the hotel. Before having dinner my mum and I decided to visit the nightlife capital of Phuket. It was still early yet the place was already crowded with party people. After a long stroll, we decided to have a Thai massage something I've longed to do ever since we stepped on the island. I was hungry but then it's not advisable to have a full stomach before a massage. Good thing we passed a street vendor who sells crepes with different fillings and flavors. I had the Strawberry Banana Crepes worth 40 baht. 

Thai Massage

Thai Massage with Oil. 1-hour full-body relaxation and neck-breaking worth 350 baht.

Dinner at Malin Plaza

Pad Thai 100 baht, Freshly grilled prawns 80 baht, Fresh grilled squid, and Watermelon shake 50 baht. Total: 280 baht
For Dessert: Mangosteen 2 kg for 80 baht

Late-night shopping for souvenirs at Insoi Market. 

We bought sleeveless with the Thailand logo worth 100 baht for females and 150 baht for males. 

I always end my trips with an awesome massage. The best Thai massage and the only place I trust to do some neck-breaking massage is only in this country. Thailand is such a beautiful country and exploring each corner means adventure. I'm updating my Vacation Checklist and flying to Krabi and Changmai is on my next list. 

Have fun and be safe ^__^

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